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Li Jianming  Art profile

My name is Li Jianming,also known as Yun You, a mountain ink painting scholar and was born in Tian Shui,Gan Su province in 1973,I graduated from art department in Tian Shui normal university and have benefited a lot from the instruction in graphics by famous teachers Bai xue shi and Song wen zhi.I have been working at the graphic arts for more than twenty years. "Nature creating from masters,getting the main source from the nature"Nature is the source of mountains and water.I study landscape painting for mountainsand water,experience nature and have created my own style.In 2007,my great work"Qinyuanchun,snow"came into being and was presented to the Olympic Games.Due to the masterpiece,I was honoured with one hundred talented men in the field of graphics by Institute of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting.Most of my works are landscape painting for mountains and water, such as" Cloud peaks clustering together" and "A screen of mountains and water".Besides, the works"Bright sun rising from the mountain in the east","Meet friends on the bridge beside pines" ," All flowers blooming on the mountains in spring,"A shower being blown over from hills to hills by the wind"and "Fish alone at dawn"are being displayed in the exhibition of painters and calligraphers across the Taiwan Straits in Fu Jian .


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